So fucking smooth, love it!
So fucking smooth, love it!
This is SO fantastic, great fucking job
I absolutely love this!
Pic0nj0 haz c0m3 back f0r m0r3 pwna63 and i'm r3ady f0r it <3
T3h pwn ma$t3r iz h3r3 and I'm 6lad 2 $33 $uch 6r3at drawin6 <3
Fantat$ic drawin6 f0r a fanta$tic day <3
6r3at w0rk, 0nly t3h b3$t f0r t3h pr0tal l0rd <3
6r3at drawin6 2 r3pr3$3nt pic0nj0 <3
L0v3 t3h drawin6, amazin6 <3
If t3hr3 wa$ any0n3 wh0 c0uld pwn t3h t0adi3$, it w0uld b3 0ur pr0tal l0rd pic0nj0 <3
Just Some Dude
Probably (definitely) Chronically Online
Music is cool, I think
Invincible is GOATED
I <3 NG
Drifting through space
Joined on 4/9/21