With the winter fest officially over, I just wanna say that it was absolutely amazing! We all had a great experience, wether it was on YT or in the discord (which I couldn't join, but still had fun on YT!!!!) it was a blast. All the great memories, like Tom and his shitting, Tom and his shitting, oh, Tom and his shitting...
For real tho, each panel was fantastic, engaging, and interesting in their own way! I especially like snare's works and his panel, really beginner friendly but informative. https://snaresworks.newgrounds.com/ in case you want to see who I'm talking about, there's his NG account.
Great job to Stanpai (https://stanpai.newgrounds.com/), Lil spook (https://lilspook.newgrounds.com/), and all the other staff and panel hosts, ya'll were FANTASTIC!!!
Everyone in the stream was fun to hang out with, talk about interests, discuss the panels and fest itself, and just everything in general! Everyone I interacted with was AWESOME! And of course, the man who made NG, the one spending hours in the toilet on his phone, Tom Fulp. Thx for, like, existing. This wonderful place wouldn't exist without ya man. This event was a blast, I'M SO HAPPY TO HAVE DONE THIS.
Now, my ramble is over, go enjoy your day you little heathens. Just remember, ska isn't dead, I have a magazine FULL of naked women, and I'd like one bee on your way out. Thx! (And Tom, please come put of the bathroom, its been days and everyone's worried about you.)